Friday, February 11, 2011

GESS Valentines day dance.

Yesterday I went to the GESS Valentines day dance. I went with my friends, Marlana, Elexa, Chelsey, Sierra, and Hannah. It was a lot of fun, the music was pretty good. But it could've been better there was a lot of dub step which I like but there was too much of it I think, and lots of remix and techno music, I would prefer normal songs, then you can sing to them too. My legs are really sore now! It's difficult to walk. I danced with lots of different people. Marlana, Sierra, Hannah, and I got to the dance early so we just hung out there for a while. We walked to the dance from Marlana's house, so it was cold seen as all we were wearing was dresses, or skirts. All in all I had an awesome time last night!

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